941-755-3322 office@golflakes.com

The Golf Lakes staff is pursuing completion of our summer goals and projects. The office staff has been doing a lot of organizing and updating in preparation of the upcoming busy season. The maintenance staff though short one person is keeping the park looking great and working on summer projects. We are in hopes to have a new employee by time this article is published.

August will see the palm trees trimmed. If you have palms that the Association does not trim the contractor will do them for $25.00 per tree. Just send the money to the Golf Lakes’ office and we will have the contractor do them. The vendor should begin mid-August so you can also call the office to get on the list and then send in the money.

I am making the final updates to the 2023 budget this month in preparation for review by the Budget and Finance Committee in September and the Board of Directors in October. The Board of Directors will vote on the Budget at the Budget Meeting the first Monday of December after it has been mailed or hand delivered to all residents. Residents are welcomed to ask questions after receiving their copy of the budget. The Board will discuss the budget in its entirety at the first Board Meeting in October and again at the Budget Meeting the first Monday in December.

Along with the summer rains the weeds are sprouting. Thank you to the residents who made arrangements to keep your property looking good all year long. Leaving a contact with the office prior to departing for your summer home saves time, phone calls and you from paying someone other than who you made arrangements with. The park inspections are accomplished monthly during the summer.

Winter residents thank you for your cooperation in putting things away prior to leaving for the summer in accordance with my Rule Reminder for this month. President Hooker and I did our annual inspection of the whole park and were very happy with the manner in which items were put away for the summer. Summer residents if you are leaving for more than 7 days please put things away. Also, all summer residents need to take time to evaluate the number of things outside that will have to be put away if an evacuation notice is given. Make it easy on yourself and put things away now or get rid of things if you don’t think you can get them put away.

Residents requesting Florida Power and Light (FP&L) to restore power for them after Gate Street is closed, residents need to make arrangements with FPL to get them into Golf Lakes. You may give them your code or last name and explain how they can use the phone system to enter the park. You may also meet them at Gate Street to let them in. FP&L does not have the capability of informing all crews of the access code like the Sheriff and Fire Department does.

I hope everyone is having a healthy and safe summer. We are having our typical hot and humid weather here.

RULE REMINDER: VI. 16. All residents who will be away anytime for more than 7 days during official hurricane season (Jun 1st to November 30th), must stow away all outdoor objects prior to leaving.

    • This includes, but not limited to flower pots, grills, decorative statues, outdoor furniture, garbage cans, bicycles and rain barrels.
    • If not stored properly or anchored permanently, all such items will be removed.
    • If an expense is incurred it will be charged to the owner.